There is no one-size-fits-all in acting. I know this from both sides of the table, and work to approach every performer with the energy and vocabulary that will best serve them. While my passion is Shakespeare, I love working with actors to ensure a successful process and product.
Elements of my preferred directorial style include absolutely shattering the “fourth wall”, live music, and joyful audience interaction. Stories are communal, and when the separation between actors and audience thins, that is when we are our most connected.
Download my directing resume here, and see below for some memories of past productions!
Love’s Labour’s Lost at Long Island University Post — Scenic Design: Vincent Gunn, Costume Design: Sara Roelof, Lighting Design, Samantha Weiser, Technical Director: Michael Gugliotti, Photo: Vincent Gunn
Love’s Labour’s Lost at Long Island University Post — First rehearsal, playing the warm-up game “World’s Greatest Fan”
Hamlet Isn’t Dead’s As You Like It — Full cast
Hamlet Isn’t Dead’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Hamlet Isn’t Dead’s The Merry Wives of Windsor
Hamlet Isn’t Dead’s Troilus & Cressida